Thursday, October 22, 2009

"The Zoo"

"The Zoo"
Cydney B.
Age 2

This is a painting that one of my daughter's painted when she was 2 years old. We had taken a trip to the zoo the day before and the next day I decided to let her paint. Her father is a painter so we had a canvas and some acrylic paints, I put some paint on a plate gave her a few brushes and sat back and watched. This was the result.

That was three and a half years ago and she is still painting, she says she is an artist.

Today has been very stressful. I am not sure why, nothing has really happened, I have just had a very uneasy feeling all day. I happened to look up at this painting and remembered the day that we decided to start her on her artistic journey and it brought on a sense of calm.

There have been many more paintings that she has done, I may post them later. My youngest has also started showing interest so we may see those as well.

At the time she painted this everyone around thought I was crazy to let a 2 year old paint with "real" paint, but she loved it. Still to this day she loves it, I never force her to do it, nor do I help *I do not have to much talent in this field*, but when she wants to paint I let her. The result, we have paintings all over our house between the children and my husband *all very talented* we never have to buy art.